Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Look!

I'm loving the new look of my blog.

Guess what! We're planning to go out of town along with his friends. This is absolutely exciting.
I haven't been with him to a really far place. It's often said that travelling is one of the best ways to tell if you're meant for each other because it helps you find out if you two have compatible ways of coping as a couple.

I think it's pretty basic. It's all about Teamwork. :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Letty and I had a slight disagreement earlier, but we're okay now.

Basically, it has something to do with us being too busy with our lives that we fail to appreciate the simplest things and recognize each other's favorite stuff.

Letty likes Lil Wayne. He always makes me watch his videos and listen to his songs, just like how he converted me into a Nicki Minaj fan after listening to Monster freestyle rap.

Here's his latest favorite song from Lil Wayne.

Highcut Keds

My highcut Chuck Taylors gave up on me so I have no choice but to find new slave shoes.
The kind that will stay solid while I traverse way up North to the dirrty South, ride jeepneys, carry heavy baggage -- the kind that will survive anything thrown at me in one day.

Unfortunately, it's almost June and my brothers need some help with college expenses so I had to push back this shopping expense for 2-3 weeks.

My Letty hates it when I can't buy stuff for myself so he decided to take me to a nearby store and get a pair of highcut Keds. :)

Thank you Letty. <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Letty Saved My Life Today

I was about to cross the street earlier this evening. It was raining so hard, I was drenched. Walking with Letty, we were both in a hurry to take the first ride home. There was a puddle of water that I tried to skip to so my velvet shoes won't get wet inside.

Out of nowhere, a motorcycle was fast approaching that it almost hit me if Letty didn't pull me back.
In the process, I stepped on the puddle of water and my poor velvet flats were drenched. I wanted to cry. I was so mad at Letty for getting my shoes wet.

I told him, I did it because I didn't want my shoes to get wet.

He snapped back, a little furious because I wasn't alert enough to keep myself safe, "What would you need your shoes for if you got hit by that motorcycle?"

Well, that definitely shut me up.