Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Letty!!!

Today is Letty's birthday.

As of last night, I've been panicking because I absolutely had no idea what to give him for his birthday. In the process, I started laying egg cells so I rushed to a nearby convenience store to buy myself some uhh "wings".

Just when I was about to pay for it at the counter, LO AND BEHOLD... Ritter Sport White Whole Hazelnuts! Letty's favorite chocolate.

When I bought one from my Cebu trip and gave it to him as pasalubong, he just brought it along with him but never ate it until his siblings threatened to eat it  if he still refuses to.

He's that sentimental about the things I give him. My Cebu trip was just a little more than a month ago, now I bought him one from the store.

I wrote him a note that says:

I am like this Ritter sport. This may be your favorite right now, but if this is what you get all the time, eventually, you'll grow tired of it. I hope you never grow tired of me because I really intend to stay.

I know it's cheesy, but it's one of those moments when I know I mean it for real so I just have to say it no matter how stupid it sounds.

I love you, Letty. Dinner at Yakimix is the best dinner everrrr!

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